Volume 39 - Issue 4 - 391 - 396

Levels of Heavy Metals and Certain Macro Elements in Potable and Tap Water at Van City Center

Van Şehir Merkezindeki İçme ve Musluk Suyunda Bulunan Ağır Metaller ve Bazı Makro Element Seviyeleri

In this study, conducted on 100 samples of potable water and tap water taken from 10 different water stations selected randomly from various locations within Van City center, levels of heavy metals (lead, manganese, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron, nickel, cobalt) and certain macro elements (magnesium, sodium, calcium) were determined with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Heavy metal concentrations of water samples were found to be as follows: Pb 0.016-0.082 mg/L, Mn 0.007-0.015 mg/L, Cd 0.001-0.005 mg/L, Zn 0.03- 0.40 mg/L, Cu 0.006- 0.11 mg/L, Fe 0.001-0.18 mg/L, Ni 0.012-0.046 mg/L, Co 0.007-0.014 mg/L; and macro element concentrations were as follows: Mg 6.78-6.81 mg/L, Na 3.88-6.68 mg/L and Ca 31.06-38.49 mg/L. According to the above data, lead levels in all water samples are found to be over national and international standards. 

Van şehir merkezinde bulunan değişik yerlerden rastgele seçilen 10 farklı istasyondan alınan 100 içme ve musluk suyu numunesi üzerinde yapılan bu çalışmada ağır metal (kurşun, mangan, kadmiyum, çinko, bakır, demir, nikel, kobalt) ve bazı makro element (magnezyum, sodyum, kalsiyum) seviyeleri Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektrometresiyle (AAS) belirlendi. Su numunelerinin ağır metal seviyeleri şöyle bulundu: Pb 0.016-0.082 mg/L, Mn 0.007-0.015 mg/L, Cd 0.001-0.005 mg/L, Zn 0.03-0.40 mg/L, Cu 0.006- 0.11 mg/L, Fe 0.001-0.18 mg/L, Ni 0.012-0.046 mg/L, Co 0.007-0.014 mg/L; makro element seviyeleri ise şöyleydi: Mg 6.78-6.81 mg/L, Na 3.88-6.68 mg/L ve Ca 31.06-38.49 mg/L. Bu verilere göre tüm su numunelerindeki kurşun seviyesi ulusal ve ulus¬lar arası standartların üstünde bulunmaktadır. 

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  • ISSN 1303 5002
  • © 1973-2025 Hacettepe University