Volume 37 Issue 1

Title Pages
Larval Food Restriction and Longevity: Effects on the Age Specific Mortality and Mean Longevity in Natural Populations of Drosophila melanogaster and Its Sibling D. simulans
1 - 11
Observations on Behavior of Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus, Erxleben 1777)
13 - 21
Synthesis of A Novel Macromonomer Initiator for Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization: Self Condensing and Graft Copolymerization

A new macromonomer initiator for atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP-MIM) based on polyethylene glycol (Mn= 660 Da) (PEG) was synthesized by the reaction of hydroxyl end of the mono-methacryloyl polyethylene glycol with 2-bromopropanoyl chloride leading to methacryloyl  polyethylene glycol 2-bromopropanoyl ester (v-PEG-Br). Poly(ethylene glycol) functionalized with  methacrylate at one end was reacted with 2-bromopropionyl chloride to form a macromonomeric  initiator for ATRP. Self condensing ATRP-MIM polymerization yielded branched PEG with low  cross-linked fraction (3-29 wt%). In the same polymerization condition, self condensing ATRP-MIM polymerization was found faster than that of conventional free radical macromonomer initiators which  behave as macro crosslinker, macro initiator and macromonomer. Besides the PEG obtained has  still unreacted double bonds and halides leading to the further branching. In the second step, ATRP of methyl methacrylate was initiated by the MIM-ATRP using the copper coordination complex CuBr / N,N,N',N',N'' -pentamethyl diethylenetriamine (PMDETA). The ATRP-MIM and the chloroform soluble branched polymers obtained were characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Variation of gel polymer content, molecular weight of the soluble parts and conversion of the monomers with the changingpolymerization conditions were also discussed.   

23 - 31
Determination of Homogenization Performance of Grinder Used for Aflatoxin Analyses of Turkish Hazelnuts

This research was conducted to determine the homogeneity performance of laboratory grinder used for aflatoxin (Aflatoxin 81: AF81; Aflatoxin 82: AF82; Aflatoxin G1: AFG1; Aflatoxin G2: AFG2) analysis of hazelnut, one of the strategic products from the 8lack Sea Region. For the research,  naturally aflatoxins-contaminated hazelnut samples in their unshelled state (A) and non-contaminated  unshelled hazelnut samples (8) were used. Hazelnut samples in which aflatoxin (AFs) couldn t be detected by the analytical procedure were treated with standard solutions of 10 IJg ml-1 AF81, 5 IJg ml-1  AF82, 10 IJg ml-1 AFG1, 5 IJg ml-1 AFG2 at the levels of  2 ml, 0.6 ml, 4 ml and 1 ml, respectively. Then, hazelnut samples treated with AFs were grounded in laboratory grinders after 30 min of resting. The Cochran test procedure was applied to duplicate results to determine sufficient homogeneity of grinder. Variations among samples in both hazelnut groups were smaller than critical value of the statistical procedure of the Cochran test.

From the data obtained, it is concluded that laboratory grinder fulfills the sufficient homogeneity of both hazelnut samples of AFs detection.

33 - 39
In Vitro a-Amylase Inhibition of Essential Oil Obtained from Laurel (Laurel nobilis L.) Leaves

The present study was designed to determine in vitro antidiabetic properties of the essential oil obtained from the leaves of Laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) which is traditionally used for the treatment of  diabetes. With this objective we study the a-amylase inhibition property of Laurus nobilis L. essential  oil which is obtained from the leaves using a Clevenger distillation apparatus. We find that the  essential oil of laurus inhibits a-amylase and the type of inhibition is competitive inhibition.

41 - 46
Heavy Metals Contents in Caulerpa racemosa var.cylindracea from Turkish Coastline

Caulerpa racemosa var.cylindracea is a well-known invasive marine seaweed in the Mediterranean sea since 1991. Inasmuch as there is no a valid eradication method for Caulerpa  racemosa var.cylindracea so far, this species still continues to invade the Mediterranean sublittoral ecosystem. Seven heavy metal (Cu, Cd, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cr and Pb) contents from four season in the Caulerpa racemosa var.cylindracea were investigated in the present study. While some metal contents varied seasonally, Cr and Pb were remained under  detection  limits  in  Caulerpa  racemosa  var.cylindracea.  The  possible  frond abnormalities are tried to be associated with metal levels in the present study.  Further researches on the uptaking mechanisms of the heavy metals in Caulerpa racemosa var.cylindracea are strongly recommended in the present study.

47 - 53
Nanofibers by Electrospinning of Nylon 6 Doped With Boron
55 - 60
Activity-pH-Inhibition Interaction on Purify PON1Q192 and PON1R192
61 - 66
Optimization of lon Pair Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography Separation of α-aspartame and Breakdown Products
67 - 75
  • ISSN 1303 5002
  • © 1973-2025 Hacettepe University