Volume 35 Issue 3

Title Pages

Dear readers of the Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry,

We are pleased to introduce you the third issue of Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry in 2007. This volume is composed of 33 papers authored by a distinguished group of scientists. The papers in this issue of the Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem. present some of the leading techniques of biology and chemistry as they apply to biomolecular structure and processes important in the life sciences. 

Nanotechnology for Preparation of Array Platforms
157 - 161
Colon-Specific Delivery of IgG from Highly Swellable Dextran Hydrogels: In-Vitro Study
163 - 171
The Effects of Short Duration Microwave Exposure on the Life Span and the Induction of Sex-Linked Recessive Lethal Mutations in Drosophila Melanogaster
173 - 179
Investigation of the Incidence of Pseudomonas sp. in Foods
181 - 186
DFT Thermochemical Investigation of Rearrangement for 3-Hydroxy Analogs of 2,3-Dihydrobenzothiophen-2- and -3-ones
187 - 193
Fe3+-Imprinted Polymeric Systems
195 - 202
Quartz Crystal Piezo Electrode Surface Modification for Gold Nano-particles Immobilization
203 - 208
Investigation of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia intestinalis in Various Water Sources in Isparta Area, Turkey
209 - 217
Poly(acrylamide-allyl glycidyl ether) Cryogel as a Novel Stationary Phase for Chlorophenol Adsorption
219 - 231
Tyrosinase Immobilization on Cu2+ Chelated Poly(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate-N-Vinyl Imidazole) Beads
233 - 241
  • ISSN 1303 5002
  • © 1973-2025 Hacettepe University