Title | Volume | Issue | Pages |
A Study on Determination of Insect Fauna of Başkomutan Historical National Park (Afyonkarahisar, Turkey) | Volume 41 | Issue 3 | 259 - 277 |
A Study on Determination of Insect Fauna of Karagöl-Sahara Natural National Park (Artvin, Turkey) | Volume 41 | Issue 3 | 225 - 234 |
A Study on the Elytral Pattern Variations of Pachytodes erraticus (Dalman, 1817) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lepturinae) from Turkey | Volume 47 | Issue 1 | 17 - 21 |
A Study on The Male and Female Genıtal Structures of Two Cortodera Species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) From Turkey | Volume 43 | Issue 4 | 279 - 282 |
Determination of Forensically Important Coleoptera and Calliphoridae (Diptera) Species on Decomposing Dog (Canis lupus familiaris L.) Carcass at Ankara Province | Volume 40 | Issue 1 | 99 - 103 |
Faunistical, Ecological and Zoogeographical Assessments on Some Subfamilies of The Family Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) in Ankara Province | Volume 42 | Issue 4 | 517 - 529 |